Are you a survivor of sexual trauma?
It's time to move beyond simply surviving.

Reclaiming Pleasure: A Sex-Positive Guide for Moving Past Sexual Trauma and Living a Passionate Life
I’ve outlined and simplified the steps necessary to begin your healing journey. With this sex-positive and empowering guide, you’ll find the tools you need to take your recovery to the next level, so you can reconnect with your sexuality, forge healthy relationships, and reignite passion in your life.
This compassionate book will help you:
- Find healing in body and mind
- Move beyond feelings of shame
- Feel safe and in control of your sexuality
- Reclaim pleasure
A little backstory...
I'm not just a mental health professional, or a talking head - I am genuinely a part of this community. Take a listen to understand a bit of the heart and inspiration behind Reclaiming Pleasure.
This isn't 'just another book'...but
I totally get it - you've read a million books and you're tired of hoping things will get better. You need more.
Join me, face to face. I can't wait to meet you.